Diabetes Myths and Facts
Over 400 million people worldwide have diabetes, and the prevalence is growing. The most recent statics, for 2016, show it as the seventh leading cause of death overall. But in the year 2000, diabetes didn’t even make the top 10 causes. Learn the di...
Jun 29, 2019Common Sports Injuries
Playing sports is a fun and healthy activity, but there is a risk of injury. Lack of stretching and warm up, repetitive motion, and accidents on the field can cause damage and pain that put you on the bench. No matter which sport is your favorite, injuri...
Jun 25, 2019Nutritionists: Focus on a Healthy Diet
Good nutrition is important at every stage of our lives. We need to eat a healthy diet to be strong and use our bodies to their maximum potential. Have you ever wondered what the right foods for you are? Do you want to lose or maintain your weight, have...
Jun 22, 2019Knowing your Skin - Rashes and Skin Care
Skin irritants are pretty common for most people. Just about everyone at some point has gotten a case of poison oak or other plant-related itchy rash . There is nothing worse than itching and then having to slather yourself with pink calamine lotion and...
Jun 19, 2019Summer Sunburn – Prevention and Treatment
Summertime means days spent outside at the beach, the park, or just in your backyard. Have you ever been in the sun and then thought you had a sunburn? Even on cloudy days, you can develop red, sore skin that is the hallmark of sunburn. Don’t suffer fr...
Jun 16, 2019Telemedicine for Busy People – Getting Medical Help into Your Overcrowded Schedule
When your daily schedule is already packed tight, the last thing you have time for is a trip to the doctor. A busy day full of meetings, conference calls, and project deadlines doesn’t leave much time for a trip to the doctor’s office. Rearranging the en...
Jun 14, 2019Coping with Jet Lag
Jet Lag – nothing fun about it at all. Anyone who has ever traveled between time zones can attest to the heavy feeling that comes after. Jet lag disorder is basically the fatigue that comes from having your body clock thrown off sync. Normally, jet lag o...
Jun 12, 2019The Benefits of an ADHD Coach
Millions of children and adults have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Treatment includes medication and therapy to make their lives better and more productive. ADHD coaching is a specific type of life coaching, designed to help those with...
Jun 11, 2019Chronic Sinusitis – When to Seek Advanced Treatment
Dealing with the pain and pressure of sinus-related headaches can keep you from your normal activities. Chronic Sinusitis is a treatable condition – the key is understanding when it is time to see a doctor. Springtime is upon us - The season for all...
Jun 06, 2019GMOs and Food: Do They Deserve the Bad Press?
In the last decade, the label “non-GMO” has increased in usage until it’s become almost ubiquitous, plastered on everything from meat to fresh produce to cereal boxes. --- Many consumers have become so adverse to the idea of eating genetically-eng...
Sep 07, 2018Why Am I Feeling Tired All The Time? A Guide To Getting A Boost
Trying to remain continuously active and working attentively throughout the day is surprisingly difficult for most people. We often feel a slump in our mid-afternoon routine: falling asleep at your desk, slugging into several cups of coffee or just fee...
Aug 31, 2018Lifestyle Tips To Relieve Stress
When we think of stress, we typically think of work-related pressures and deadlines. But stress isn't only caused by your job; it is also caused by family issues, chronic illness and physical injuries. It is a phenomenon that challenges or surpasses a ...
Aug 29, 2018Antibiotic Resistance: An Approaching Apocalypse?
Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice– but science argues that it will most likely end via antibiotic resistance. Dr. Margaret Chan, Director of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared that “The world is heading towards a post-antibio...
Aug 28, 2018Smoking While Pregnant?
If your eyes travel no further downward than the very first paragraph of this article, then let the one thing you take away be this: If you are pregnant or attempting to become pregnant, quit smoking as soon as possible...
Jul 31, 2018Healthy Pregnancy: What's Blood Mixing?
A particularly prevalent worry--sparked by the essentiality of matching compatible blood types during blood transfusions and donation--is that the baby will not have the same blood type as it’s mother, leading to a potential ABO or Rh incompatibility reac...
Jul 21, 2018Going With Your Gut Feeling: The Benefits of Fermented Foods
People have fermented food and drinks around the world throughout all of history. Learn about how the processes behind your sourdough-bread sandwich or your morning yogurt have become a cornerstone in the history of food and our health. --- The adv...
Jul 11, 2018Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Not Just Abdominal Pain
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common intestinal disorder found across the world and occurs twice as much in women than in men. As someone with friends who struggle with IBS, I thought it would be useful to share detailed insights on what IBS is, ...
Jun 29, 2018Why Leaving The Office At The Same Time Every Day Is Good for You
Making sure you leave the office at the same time every night is an excellent way to begin establishing important boundaries. It adds a healthy dose of routine to your life, and it helps to create a hard line in your day when you can stop thinking abou...
Jun 27, 2018Can we outrun memory loss?
Running has long been recognized as an exercise with a wide variety of benefits--including increased circulation, lowered blood pressure, decreased rates of heart disease, strengthened joints and muscles, and weight loss. However, recent research has i...
Jun 20, 2018Transforming Public Health in Singapore and Beyond
I argue for the necessity of a more holistic healthcare system to address contemporary health issues. --- Healthcare in Singapore is seeing an improvement from technological advances such as the use of satellite imagery and geographical systems for...
Jun 05, 2018